Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding

About Tuff Hedeman


Four-time World Champion and ProRodeo Hall of Fame bull rider Tuff Hedeman is a living legend…and the most recognized cowboy in the world. Bull Riding is America's original extreme sport. He is a staunch supporter of the bull rider as a professional athlete.

Hedeman’s hands on approach has him coordinating every element of the events which brings action packed performances that keep fans and competitors on the edge of their seats.

In addition to 30 plus years of producing great family friendly events he is known for his historic clashes with the bucking bull Bodacious and his friendship with the late Lane Frost which was depicted in the 1994 film, 8 Seconds.


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Tuff hedeman Tour

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Upcoming EVENTS

Additional Events Coming Soon


TUFF Hedeman tv

Tuff Hedeman TV was created so fans of America's original extreme sport can watch their favorite professional athletes on the Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour any time, anywhere, on their connected devices.

Live Event Packages

1) Individual Events: Purchase access to stream an individual event (price varies per event)

2) Season Pass: Purchase access to stream all Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour events

Watch Live or "Video On Demand"

You can watch any event live or anytime with the video on demand option.

When watching an event live you can pause the action! If you are watching video on demand you have the ability to rewind and fast-forward the action.