I recently read Billy Jaynes was retiring the Jaynes Gang and from bucking bulls. I would like to take a moment to commend Billy Jaynes for his accomplishments and friendship as he steps back from both sides of the bucking bull arena. Billy and his original Jaynes Gang were one of the first to jump into the bull team competitions and with Billy flanking the bulls, he won one of the earliest World Champion Bull Team Titles in 2012 at CFD.
Dakota Nye on Flab Slab, April 7, 2018 - Fort Worth, THBRT
Like me, Billy rode bulls in high school and college. That passion for the sport ended up with him managing and owning Southern Rodeo, a professional rodeo company. After selling it in 1999, we would run into each other again as he began buying and breeding buckers for competition. Eventually Billy would manage over 300 head of cows and bulls, as a stock contractor Billy began delivering top rated animals such as Outside the Box, Rajun JT, Flab Slab, OMG, ZY Hez Twisted just to name a few.
Billy leaves this industry knowing he bred, trained and bucked some of the best, and I appreciate that I could count on Billy to bring bulls the riders and fans were excited to see and I knew would buck. I look forward to seeing Dennis Davis on the back of the chutes as he will be carrying on that tradition of great buckers from Southeast Texas.
Happy Trails,
Dennis Davis, Davis Bucking Bulls